Balfour Declaration

November 2, 1917


The decisive Battle of Beersheva on October 31, 1917 set up the decisive overthrow of the Ottoman Empire (see also: Understanding the Battle of Beersheva in 11 Minutes). This coincided with the final draft of the Balfour Declaration on October 31, 1917, that was delivered two days later on November 2, 1917--a public statement issued by the British government during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. Forty days later, British General Allenby's forces won against the Ottoman Empire and liberated the city of Jerusalem on December 9, 1917 on Kislev 24, the lighting of the first Hanukkah candle.


Articles & Videos

Balfour Declaration -- Wikipedia


In big anniversary year for Israel, Christian Zionists see signs of the Messiah

Diehard Jewish state supporters believe prophecies are being fulfilled, 100 years after Balfour Declaration and 50 years after Six Day War

Balfour Declaration Represented ‘Hope for Mankind,’ Says Ex-Secretary of State Kissinger

The Balfour Declaration: My ancestor's hand in history

Balfour Declaration 99 Years Later-- A Messianic Bible 2016 Article


Past and present bonds converge for Israel, Australia and New Zealand

While November 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the much-discussed Balfour Declaration, which helped pave the way for the modern state of Israel, another important centennial—for the World War I Battle of Be’er Sheva—was also marked this week.


100 Years Later, Australians Recreate Historic Calvalry Charge for Beersheba


US senators propose commemoration of Balfour centennial

100 years since Britain expressed support for Jewish state, Congress to vote on motion honoring pivotal moment for Zionist movement


Full text of May’s speech at Balfour Declaration centenary dinner


Balfour Declaration Was “Biblically-Based Miracle” Bringing Christians and Jews Together

Why Balfour’s biblical background matters


WATCH! 100 Year Anniversary of Balfour Declaration


New Zealand and Australian Horses at Beersheva



Balfour 100: A Turning Point in Jewish History


"The Balfour Declaration: 100 Years Later" featuring Members of Congress



Jonathan Cahn & Balfour Declaration


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's UN Address -- September 19, 2017


Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel



Bill Koenig, White House Correspondent -- September 20, 2017


Israel's Legal Founding -- September 21, 2017


The Balfour Declaration Jonathan Schneer -- October 6, 2010


Chaim Weizmann "The Balfour Declaration"


Hype or Hope: Is the Protestant Reformation Linked to Israel?


Reflections on Balfour 100



The Balfour Declaration Story by Roy Thurley


Why the 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration matters?


What is the Balfour Declaration All About? 100th Anniversary Video